The shipping process
We always aim to ship our orders within 1-2 working days so you can enjoy your purchases as soon as possible. Our products are shipped from Australia using international carriers and shipping takes between 4-10 business days. We’ll send you an email with your tracking details as soon as we’ve shipped your order so you can track the delivery to your home address.

Free shipping
When you spend $150 or more in our online store, we’ll ship your purchases for free to anywhere in New Zealand. We provide one of the best free shipping deals around, which is a great excuse to increase your cushion collection! When your shopping cart totals $150 or more, our ‘free shipping’ deal will be automatically applied during checkout.

Flat rate shipping
Many companies charge their customers high shipping fees based on where they are located or the number of products they order. That’s not how we work. Our flat rate shipping fee is just $12.95 for all orders under $150. Your order will be shipped anywhere in New Zealand for this great rate.

The shipping process
All orders are insured until they safely arrive at your home. You can also follow your shipment’s progress with your unique tracking code. As soon as your order has been shipped, we’ll send you an email with your tracking information so you can track your order to your door. We can quickly follow up on deliveries that appear to be taking too long.

Insured and tracked
As our cushions are sent from our warehouse in Australia, orders of a higher value may incur duties and taxes from the New Zealand Customs Service. If your order price is over $1000, you’ll have to pay duty and GST plus the IETF and MPI levy when the goods arrive in NZ. You can use the NZ government’s duty and GST calculator to estimate any duty you may owe on your order from us.